Essential Steps to Take Before Applying For a Job

Essential Steps to Take Before Applying For a Job

Last modified: 15. July 2024

The job search process doesn't actually start with scrolling through job advertisements. If you're thinking about applying for a position, there are a few crucial steps to take beforehand:

1. Clarify What You Want: Reflect thoroughly on what kind of job you're after. Consider the following:

  • Which cities or regions are you open to working in?
  • What employers are based there?
  • What type of company or organisation do you prefer? (small, large, family business, multinational, etc.)
  • What sort of working hours are ideal for you?
  • What are your non-negotiables? (e.g. one day of remote work per week, minimum salary, etc.) Be careful not to have too many rigid requirements, so you remain flexible!

2. Professional Photo: Visit a professional photographer to get a suitable headshot that reflects the seriousness of your job search.

3. LinkedIn Profile: Register on LinkedIn if you haven’t already. Potential employers will likely check your profile before inviting you for an interview. If you already have an account, make sure all your information is up to date. Use the photo taken by the professional photographer rather than a casual selfie.

4. Clean Up Social Media: Tidy up your Facebook page as employers often look at this too. Ensure there are no inappropriate photos or comments that could give a bad impression.

5. Prepare for an English Interview: Start preparing for a possible English interview well in advance. If you're applying to a multinational company, their HR team might be based abroad, and the initial phone interview could be in English. Practise answering common interview questions so you can respond confidently even under stress.

6. Save Job Listings: When you find a job that interests you, save the listing. Sometimes, the ad might be removed before you have a chance to prepare for the interview, and if you've applied to several positions, you might not remember the specifics of what they’re looking for.

7. Write Your CV: Create your CV with care. If you have limited professional experience, include details about your higher education, highlighting key points such as your major, thesis topic, and internships. After drafting the content, pay close attention to formatting. HR professionals spend an average of only 7.4 seconds reviewing a CV, according to a 2018 Ladders study, so make sure it's easy to read and well-organised. As you can see, this CV is so densely written that the final third was hardly read. (The green, yellow, and red areas indicate where HR professionals spent the most time reading, with red and yellow showing the most attention.)

Source: The Ladders Eye-Tracking Study 2018

8. Tailor Your CV for Each Job: When applying for a specific position, review your CV and adjust it to align with the job ad. Emphasise the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the employer.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to make a strong impression during your job search.


By Rozália Szabó

Photos from