Types of resumes

Types of resumes

Last modified: 07. May 2024

In this article, we would like to present the most common types of resumes - it is very important to note that a good resume always fits the specific position and considers the characteristics of the specific field as well.

Chronological Resume: In this type of resume, work experiences are listed in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. This is the most common type, as it is well organized for employers.

Functional Resume: In this resume format, skills and competencies are emphasized, and work experiences are grouped thematically. It can be useful if there have been breaks in your career or if your previous jobs are not directly related to the target position.

Combination Resume: This is a type of resume that combines the characteristics of chronological and functional resumes. It lists work experiences in chronological order, but also highlights your most important skills and achievements.

Targeted Resume: This type of resume is tailored to a specific position or aims to match the specific profession. The listed skills and experiences are essential for the desired position.

Infographic Resume: This is a more creative approach where important information is presented using graphics, diagrams and other visual elements. It is typically used in creative or design-oriented professions.

Electronic/Online Resume: This is a resume type used in the digital environment, which may include interactive elements, links and multimedia. It can appear on various online platforms or on your personal website.

Portfolio Resume: It showcases individual pieces of work, projects and achievements such as photos, drawings, research results or other relevant documents.

EuroPass Resume: This format is accepted and supported by the European Union. It is a unified, standardized format designed by the EU for workers to easily convey their personal and professional information when seeking work or studying in other countries.

It is IMPORTANT to choose the resume type that best showcases your skills, experiences, and aligns best with your goals. Also, always ensure that your resume includes the necessary information for the job application as well as the keywords specific to the position.


Written by Zsuzsanna Zsanett Fentor